BRPX Gear Leg cracks
All photos are from above the axle

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Brpx-gear-crack4.jpg (44688 bytes) Overview of crack.  The crack appears to have started in the weld ON TOP OF THE CLUSTER and propogated across the top of the attachment, and then where the weld is a little beefier, into the tubing itself.
Note that it is very parallel to the welded joint.
Note that the crack is normally under compression

The axle flexed when moved, so failure was not very far away.
This is the left gear leg, down at the lower cluster where the axle and diagonal strut attach.

Brpx-gear-crack1.jpg (53583 bytes) Brpx-gear-crack2.jpg (78407 bytes) Brpx-gear-crack3.jpg (48083 bytes) The weld seems to be a little slimmer here (perhaps bridging the gap between the backplate retaining ring and the cluster).
What is interesting is that the crack is not in tension from "heavy landings", in fact it is in compression from the weight of the aircraft.

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